Extraordinarium museum

Haunted Artifacts - malevolent spirits
Travelling museum on tour

The Extraordinarium yalks contain true stories, fottage and haunted artefacts within any building some on deadly haunted grounds.

Extraordinarium Museum Talks

Here are a selection of the artifacts within the haunted Extraordinarium museum and some of it's deadly artefacts

The Funeral talk, more to Death than you can imagine
The 1940's Room Artifacts

A typical talk about an average home showing how death occurs near you. The result - hauntings of a particular type.

Secret Artifact room with trully deadly attachment
A childs playful toy
Play time but
for who?
The Clowning talk

We jest not, these artifactsare not as funny as first appear!

A talk full of love

A woman scorned can be a nightmare on earth but hell in the afterlife.

The locked dark artifact

Captive spirits can help or destroy you . .